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7 Tips for Improving Your Employability 提高就業能力的 7 個技巧

You can't control whether or not a recruiter chooses you from a sea of applicants, but you can do everything in your power to make yourself the most impressive candidate you can to stand out from the crowd.

Employability can be increased through education, work experience, and personal improvement. Education and work experience can easily be solved. You can either enrol in a programme that is relevant to your career path or gain more hands-on experience throughout your career journey. Hence, let’s focus on how to gain employability through personal improvement.



1. Sharpen Up Your Soft Skills 提高你的軟技能 With the constantly changing nature of work, soft skills are essential for anyone who aims to excel in their career path. Developing soft skills is just as critical as the technical knowledge and hard skills that you develop throughout your education. Employees with soft skills make a good team players and efficient managers as they are better in conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, time management and they can also work well under pressure.


Nowadays during hiring process, employers would look for evidence of communication, creativity, curiosity, collaboration, cooperation and caring in the work that you have been involved in as well as your extracurricular activities for example hobbies, sports and other interests to better understand the candidate.

如今,在招聘過程中,雇主會在您參與的工作以及您的課外活動(例如愛好、運動和其他興趣)中尋找溝通、創造力、好奇心、協作、合作和關懷的證據,以更好地了解候選人. 2. Make Your CV Shine 讓你的簡歷閃耀 Hiring Managers have to go through pile of CVs on a daily basis. One way to make your CV shine is to make sure your CV shows how you are uniquely different from all other candidates. Your CV shows how much effort you put in and how serious you want this job. A unique CV gets higher chances of being picked as it catches the recruiter’s attention.

招聘經理必須每天檢查一堆簡歷。讓你的簡歷大放異彩的一種方法是確保你的簡歷顯示出你與所有其他候選人的獨特之處。你的簡歷顯示了你付出了多少努力,以及你對這份工作有多認真。一份獨特的簡歷獲得了更高的被選中機會,因為它引起了招聘人員的注意。 Bear in mind that employers spend around 30 seconds looking at your CV before deciding whether to give you an interview or not. Hence, keep it brief!

請記住,在決定是否給你面試之前,雇主會花大約 30 秒的時間查看你的簡歷。因此,請保持簡短!

It is easy to forget what you have accomplished over a long period of time, so whenever you complete a training course, or take on more responsibilities in a current role, remember to add each accomplishment to your CV to showcase your skills and experience.


Keeping your CV up to date is essential, as you never know when you may need it!


3. Highlight your experiences 突出你的經歷

Work experience is a great way to stand out to potential employers, gain valuable insights about the organisation you worked for, and get a feel for the industry you want to work in. No matter what kind of position you hold, you will learn skills that are vital to increasing your overall employability.


You can also present some interesting and challenging opportunities that you were exposed to and which you can use to enhance future job applications or job interviews.


4. Build a professional social media profile for yourself 為自己建立一個專業的社交媒體資料

When we talk about professional social media profile, first thing that comes to mind is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is widely used by working adults, especially top management to showcase education and work achievements to both personal network and the public. Hence, your potential employer may have searched your name on LinkedIn to find out more about you.

當我們談論專業的社交媒體資料時,首先想到的是LinkedIn。 LinkedIn 被在職成年人廣泛使用,尤其是高層管理人員,用於向個人網絡和公眾展示教育和工作成就。因此,您的潛在雇主可能已經在 LinkedIn 上搜索了您的姓名,以了解有關您的更多信息。那麼,他們會發現什麼?

Having an up-to-date profile and active presence on LinkedIn is a way in which you can attract potential employers, network with industry professionals and discover work opportunities to help you get ahead in your career.

在 LinkedIn 上擁有最新的個人資料和活躍的存在是您吸引潛在雇主、與行業專業人士建立聯繫並發現工作機會以幫助您在職業生涯中取得成功的一種方式。 5. Be prepared for interview 準備面試

Once you know you had the interview confirmed, carefully examine the job description and understand the qualifications, qualities and background the employer is looking for in an ideal candidate. Studying the company background and the product or services they offer is also important. It provides context for your interview conversations and help you in preparing thoughtful questions for your interviewers.

一旦你知道你已經確認了面試,仔細檢查職位描述並了解雇主在理想候選人中尋找的資格、素質和背景。研究公司背景和他們提供的產品或服務也很重要。它為您的面試對話提供背景信息,並幫助您為面試官準備深思熟慮的問題。 6. Grow your professional network 發展你的專業網絡

Finding a job isn't just about what you know, it's also about 'who' you know.


If there's a particular industry or role you are interested in, begin to broaden your network by building connections both professionally and personally along those lines.


For example, if you're curious about finance roles in the sport industry, search for and follow finance professionals in the sport industry so you can observe what they do, gain their insights and even reach out to them with questions you might have.


You can also join online groups dedicated to certain industries, participate in networking events or attend the presentations held by companies you might be interested in working for.


The reason for building these professional networks is when there is any vacancy, you’ll probably be the one to pop up in their mind. Here’s how you land your dream job.


7. Develop a growth mindset 培養成長心態

If you're looking to be challenged in your career, a growth mindset is a tool that you can use to develop positive habits and behaviours. When someone has a growth mindset, they take on challenges and learn from them, therefore increasing their abilities and achievement. People with growth mindset believe that intelligence and talents can be developed over time unlike people with fixed mindset.


Developing a growth mindset allows you to become more curious and open to learning from your experiences and mistakes, which is essential in coping with change and thriving in today's ever-changing business environment.




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