Why choose Douglas Business School 為什麼選擇道格拉斯商學院?
Douglas Business School (DBS) is part of the Douglas Business School Ltd. providing quality higher education and professional training...

Conversation Starters to Spark Topics 引發話題的對話開始者
Are you facing difficulties in starting a conversation with someone new? Have you ever had awkward encounters or embarrassing...

4 Self-evaluation Tips for High Career Performers 優秀上班族採用的4種自我評估技巧
Annual performance review is common to all of us. According to a recent study conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management...

Foods to Boost Concentration & Focus 促進專注力的食物
Do you feel tired all the time and have difficulty to concentrate and focus at work? 你是否一直感到疲倦,難以集中註意力於工作? No worries! This article is to...

Effective Remote Working Tips for You 在家工作 – 最有效的執行之道
To control the spread of Covid-19, the government has enforced Movement Control Order (MCO). Many organizations are affected and...

✍🏻 Step-by-Step Guide to Writing an Effective Proposal 優秀商業計劃書指南
Writing a good proposal is an essential skill required for almost all occupations. The goal of a proposal is to gain support for your...

UK & US Degree. Which One Should You Choose? 英國和美國學位。您應該選擇哪一個?
According to the world university rankings published by Times Higher Education, more than 50% of the world’s top 200 universities are...

Are Online UK Degrees Recognised in Hong Kong? 英國網上學位課程是否在香港獲得認可
With the rise of the 'diploma mill' and fake degrees especially within Asia, there is a growing distrust of online Universities. Add

11 Sales Skills Every Sales Representative Must Master 11個銷售代表都必須掌握的銷售技巧
Are you a businessman or sales representative? If yes, this blog might be very useful for you! Telemarketing is not about picking up the...

Common Interview Questions 面試熱門問題!
Are you nervous thinking what your hiring manager will ask during the interview session? We’ve compiled a few TOP QUESTIONS for you to...